Once Upon a Time...
Since our establishment in 2003, Beverly Hills Princess has garnered an unwavering reputation as the best in the business. Our unrivaled customer service and attention to detail has earned us a loyal client base which includes many of Hollywood's elite. Nevertheless, we treat each and every event as a VIP gala, whether it's for the Royal Family at the Beverly Hills Hotel, or for your precious family in your own backyard. We may be Princesses, but we treat our clients like Royalty.
In addition to our amazing collection of custom couture costumes and wigs, we proudly offer the best performers working today, carefully selecting a small number of highly-trained, experienced and talented artists who not only look the part, but give a believable and heartfelt performance each and every time. We love what we do, and it shows.
As a boutique company that prioritizes quality over quantity, we stick with what we do best - providing the most beautiful and realistic Princess party characters anywhere.
Scroll down to meet our amazing Cast!
Making Dreams Come True
Actress/singer/songwriter Ashenputtel "Ashlee" Abrams is the eldest grandchild of Australian pop/rock pioneer April Byron. Ashlee began acting professionally at the age of 11, when she won the title role in the stage adaptation of Lewis Carroll's classic "Alice in Wonderland". Other film, T.V., and theatre work followed, including leading stage roles in "Grease", "Into the Woods", "The Rocky Horror Show", and "Cinderella", among many others. As a lead vocalist, Ashlee has performed across the country at world-famous venues including The Grand Ole Opry, Whisky A GoGo, and Universal Studios. She is named after her Mother, Cinderella - Ashenputtel is the German title of the classic fairytale. Ashlee's powerhouse vocals, quick wit, and natural ability to captivate children's attention and imaginations makes her the most sought-after Princess tribute artist performing today.
Ashlee Abrams
BHP Founder and Princess Performer
Perfection in Every Detail
An upbeat and versatile actress and singer, Katy Harvey is bursting with talent and charisma. A former Disneyland cast member, she has brought beloved Princess characters to life for thousands of guests from all over the world. Boasting an extensive musical theatre resume, Katy has starred in stage favorites including "Les Miserables", "Avenue Q", and "When You Wish", to name just a few. Katy's elegant energy, impressive makeup skills, and stunning voice make her a powerhouse Princess impersonator.
Katy Harvey
Princess Performer
Turning fantasy into Reality
A graduate of Loyola Marymount University, Melanie Abrams is an actress, singer, and award-winning screenwriter. Theatre, film, and television credits include "Alice in Wonderland", "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe", "Babes in Toyland", "Dr. Faustus", "The Middle", "American Housewife", and Emmy-winning "People vs. OJ Simpson: American Crime Story". She is the current first-place titleholder of the Hollywood Screenwriting Competition for an original feature film. Her youthful energy and classic beauty set her apart as one of the best character performers in the business.